
Multi{ Platform, Paradigm } Programming



Piotr Limanowski

A señor software dev based in Gdansk, PL. Been doing scalable web products, with variety of languages (see above for the most recent), since early 2000s. Constatly working on simplyfing things. I write, talk and ship code. Aside from that I'm el modo holy brujito and a future hoverboard owner.



Multi{ Platform, Paradigm } Programming

Posted by Piotr Limanowski on .

Polyglot, multi-paradigm environments become the bread and butter of every developer's work. With the drive towards microservices and reactive software developers start to look into Erlang/OTP platform more often. The platform offers incredible tools we can't directly make use of from within JVM languages or can we?

The talk shows the integration between JVM languages and BEAM's LFE/Elixir. The fundamental pattern that will be explored are Erlang/OTP as a base platform/language and a JVM-based data access layer. We will explore JInterface, a set of Java classes which are used to make communication between JVM languages and Erlang, providing a message-based protocol. To illustrate the concepts and the value coming from running such systems, a distributed cluster is used for demo.


available at peel/multi


available at Speakerdeck

Given at

4Developers, 11/04/16, Warsaw, PL